Student and Post-doc Travel Award Applications
Deadline by March 1st, 2019:
To be considered you must submit your abstract to the ISCE 2019 Conference website and all applications should be submitted to the Chair of the Awards Committee in electronic format.
Applications should consist of:
- Name, address, email, degrees awarded (including University, country, and year), travel budget with quotes if possible, alternate sources of travel funds (obtained and applied for), applicant’s signature, date, dated and signed letter of support from the applicant’s senior adviser (i.e., for students and post-docs, the advisor needs to indicate that they have seen and approve of the submission).
- Title and abstract of the presentation, 1500 character limit.
- A complete Curriculum Vitae including lists of publications and presentations made at other conferences.
Applicants must fit the following criteria:
- Applications are accepted from undergraduate student, graduate student or postdoc (within three years of graduation from Ph.D.).
- Applicants are not required to be ISCE members. The award will include a one-year membership in ISCE.
- Applicants must present an oral or poster presentation at the meeting.
- Applicants must not have received an ISCE award previously.
Applications should be submitted to reach the Chair of the Awards Committee and abstract submitted to ISCE 2019 website, no later than March 1st, 2019 to allow time for evaluation by the committee. We hope to notify applicants by mid-March, allowing time before the deadline for registration in early May.
For any additional questions, feel free to contact us!